07 Feb 2025

Investing in our schools As part of the NSW Government's plan to rebuild public education, the 2024-25 Budget is delivering record education funding, including $1.4 billion for new and upgraded schools in regional NSW. This targeted investment will ensure growing communities get access to a world class public education. The NSW Government has invested $769 million to deliver 100 new public preschools, including building a new preschool at every new government primary school in NSW, to boost access to preschool across the state. Project overview Planning is underway to upgrade the school facilities at Parkview Public School and remove demountables. Key upgrades will include new classrooms, classroom refurbishments, a new covered outdoor learning area (COLA), and upgrades to walkways, landscaping and amenities. As part of NSW Government’s commitment to deliver expanded access to early childhood education, a new public preschool will also be delivered by 2027, providing 2 classrooms for up to 40 children each day. Community information session: Monday 17 February 2025 You are invited to attend a community information session to find out more about the Parkview Public School upgrade and new Parkview Public Preschool, view the artist impressions, and speak to the project team. Time: 3–6:30 pm Location: Parkview Public School Hall, Park Ave, Leeton, NSW, 2705 You can drop in at any time during the session. If you are unable to attend, we will also share the designs with the community following the information session. Progress summary Master planning for Parkview Public Preschool is now complete and we have developed a concept design for Parkview Public School upgrade. Next steps • The construction tender for the building contractor will be released in the coming months. • The design and location of the public preschool will be finalised. More information You can find more information about the project at edu.nsw.link/PPS-Upgrade or by scanning the QR code. If you have any questions about this project, you can contact School Infrastructure during business hours on the contact details below.